
DICTATIONS 1, 2, 3 Second Seniors 2009



Dictation Nº 1                      Chimney Sweeps

         A chimney sweep is a person who cleans chimneys for a living. This job is considered to be one of the oldest in the world.  In the last two hundred years, chimneys grew large enough to hold a man, so this profession developed enormously in the time of the Industrial Revolution.

         In Victorian times, the business became notorious for employing young boys, as they were small enough to enter the chimneys and clean them from inside. The work was dirty and dangerous, and their employers were famous for abusing and exploiting them. Because of this, a special brush with a collapsible handle was invented, and it enabled the sweep to reach up the chimney without having to enter it.

         The image of the chimney sweep has improved, and this can be seen in the film Mary Poppins.  In some parts of the UK it is considered lucky for a bride to see one on her wedding day, so many modern British sweeps hire themselves out to attend weddings.


Dictation Nº_____                    Platypuses


         The platypus is a semi-aquatic animal endemic to eastern Australia, including Tasmania. Endemic means it is only found in there in its natural state. It is an egg-laying mammal which baffled European natural¡sts when it was first seen, and several of them considered it to be a fraud. It was thought that somebody had sewn a duck’s bill onto a beaver-like animal. 

         Platypuses are fascinating mammals, because of their bizarre appearance. It has a bill like a duck’s, a tail like a beaver’s, feet like an otter’s, and to cap it all, the male has a venomous spur on the hind foot that can cause severe pain to humans. It is an iconic symbol of Australia and is featured on the reverse of the Australian 20-cent coin. It is also the animal emblem of the state of New South Wales. ‘Syd’ was one of the three mascots chosen for the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, together with an echidna and a kookaburra. Platypuses spend a great part of the day foraging for food, such as worms, shrimps and small fish.


Dictation Nº 3                      Fairy Tales

         Fairy tales are a type of literary genre which includes stories where princes and princesses meet witches and goblins.  Mythical creatures grant wishes and cast spells.  And in the end, everybody lives happily ever after!

         Fairy tales have been found in every culture over many centuries. They were meant to be a way of teaching adults and children things to watch our for in the way the world works. The best known fairy tales of today originated from folk tales of 17th century France and 19th century Germany. Many tales were told and retold through generations, then edited and changed as they were written down.  Fairy tales were actually written for adults, but are now enjoyed by people of all ages, and not all fairy tales feature fairies in them.

         Fairy tales contain elements of magic, wonder and enchantment which contribute to their continuing popularity. Some examples of the most-loved fairy tales are Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, The Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, The Emperor’s New Clothes, Hansel and Gretel, and many more.


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