



         Chocolate! There are few foods that people feel as passionate about.For the true chocoholic, just thinking about chocolate can evoke a pleasurable response.


         Chocolate began in the time of the Mayas, who used to drink it bitter, adding local ingredients, such as pepper, wine, vanilla, and chili peppers. It was taken to Europe for the first time in 1585 by Hernán Cortés during the conquest of Mexico. There, the chili peppers were replaced by sugar, and in the beginning was a luxury food few people were able to afford.


         Although it was only drunk at first, later people began to experiment with different ways of preparing it. In 1828 a Dutchman produced a chocolate powder and in 1849, Joseph Fry, an English chocolate maker, was able to create the first eating chocolate. Later, Henri Nestlé, a Swiss chemist, used powdered milk in his mixture, which gave as a result the first milk chocolate.

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