


            Today, there are many active volcanoes worldwide. As the world's population grows, more and more people are living in potentially dangerous volcanic areas. Volcanic eruptions continue - as they have throughout history - posing ever-greater threats to life and property.


How do volcanoes form?  Deep inside Earth, between the molten iron core and the thin crust at the surface, there is a solid body of rock called the mantle. When rock from the mantle melts, it moves to the surface through weak spots in the crust, and releases pent-up gases. But why does this solid rock melt and come to the surface? 


Extremely high temperatures and pressure cause the rock to melt and become liquid rock or magma. When a large body of magma has formed, it rises through the denser rock layers toward Earth's surface. Magma that has reached the surface is called lava.

The Paper Clip


            A paper clip is a device which holds several pieces of paper together by means of pressure: it leaves the paper intact and can be easily removed. It is just a piece of steel wire bent into a double-oval shape, but over the past century nobody has invented a better method of holding loose sheets of paper together.


            The first bent-wire paper clip was patented by Samuel Fay in 1867. This clip was originally intended to attach tickets to fabric, although the patent recognised it could be used to attach papers together. Before the paper clip was invented, people used to use pins or string to put papers together. After this clip appeared on the market, many other types of clips were created, for different uses. But the paper clip we know and use today was invented in 1899, by William Middlebrook, who also invented the machine to produce the paper clip.

The Origin of Cutlery


            Cutlery refers to utensils such as knives, forks and spoons, used as tableware, but eating or serving with utensils made of silver or other metals is relatively recent. Henry VIII, the most famous of England’s Tudor kings, used his hands to tear off big pieces of meat, throw them on his plate, and chop them up into smaller bits which he would then shovel into his mouth. These table manners were  acceptable until books on table etiquette were published around the fifteenth century.


            The spoon was one of man’s earliest inventions, the first ones being carved out of wood in Northern Europe. Later spoons were made of horns of cattle, ivory tusks, bronze, and eventually silver and gold.


           The knife, first used by hunters for cutting and spearing meat, was first made of flint, then of metal.


            Forks were introduced at the table around the time of the Crusades, at the beginning of the twelfth century, in Italy, but it took about 300 years for people to use them as everyday utensils.It was considered easier to use both hands, five fingers, or three fingers in the case of more aristocratic people.



2 comentarios

Gicola -

miss, soy alumno suyo y le quiero decir...
Por qué está tan loca?
osea... esta bien que le guste trabajar... pero
usted esta completamente loca!

me -

Very good